
BBHQ: Music Room Lyrics
Baby Boomer HeadQuarters focuses on lyrics of baby-boomer favorites--the Mamas & the Papas, the Stones, Eric Clapton, the Beatles and many more.

Harry's Blues Lyrics Online
This site offers lyrics for over 1,500 songs, blues history, chords and tablature pages. Click on Blues Language to learn the meanings of words and phrases, such as "hot foot powder," contained within the songs.

The Mudcat Cafe
The site contains a search engine and resources to help lyric-searchers find background information and lyrics for blues and traditional folk music. Visit The Blues Museum to find photographs and articles on artists The Forum is where you can follow the eclectic topic threads that relate to music. The Mudcat Cafe section is for Kids. The section explains how to make simple instruments like Dooley sticks and gourd rattlers.

Ultimate '80S Songs
This archive can be searched by artist or song title.