Best Homeschooling Programs
The number of families teaching their children at home has risen from fewer than 13,000 in the late 1970s to 1.2 million today. It has become increasingly important that parents are made aware of what an online home school program is, what to expect, the benefits these programs provide and simple tips to successfully select the right home school program. Parents that educate themselves on home school programs can be assured that their children will still receive a quality education.
Online home school programs are a way to take learning from the classroom to the home via the Internet. The Internet delivers the school, the courses and the teachers to the students’ homes. Depending on which home school program is chosen, homework may be completed entirely on the computer. There are no papers or pencils. The work is taught, learned, completed and graded through the computer. Through online home school programs parents do not have to worry whether they are teaching properly or covering all the necessary information. Many online home school programs are in itself the teacher. While other home school programs have actual “live” teachers available to chat with students who need help or have questions.
Several things are to be expected when parents choose a home school program. They must keep in mind that physical arrangements are important. The child/student needs to be provided an environment that is comfortable and conducive for learning. Parents should also be prepared to make adjustments. Adjusting is vital for success when a child is transitioning from a public school to a home school program. Also, be sure to have all the proper materials needed for each day. It is imperative to stay organized. Taking the time at the end of the day to organize and plan for the next day can save time and frustration. This will help the next day run more smoothly.
There are many benefits to home school programs. Through home school programs, children can develop the necessary social skills despite what opponents to homeschooling might say. Homeschool students have plenty of opportunities to meet and interact with other kids during field trips, music classes, sports and volunteer work. They also learn to socialize with people of different ages because homeschool students are not limited to interacting with only people their own age, as in a traditional classroom setting. These programs also help children who do not excel in a classroom setting or children who need more one-on-one attention than the average classroom setting provides. Many children who are “gifted” tend to be easily bored in a classroom. In the past, they have been misread and wrongfully labeled as “troubled.” However, once they are homeschooled they are found to excel tremendously and even their attention span is prolonged. Another benefit of home school programs is that it allows children to learn at their own pace and can be tailored to their needs. Home school programs can also teach children time-management skills since they are given a greater degree of independence. Home school programs are beneficial for parents that want to incorporate their religious views into their child’s education. Lastly, home school programs are a transportation convenience especially if a family is limited to one car.
Here are six steps to follow when choosing a home school program. Parents should thoroughly evaluate their unique circumstances. Is homeschooling short or long-term? Is homeschooling being used to supplement public school? Once parents determine the answers to these types of questions they will know what to look for in selecting a home school program. If homeschooling is only a temporary arrangement, parents may be able to borrow materials from a local school.
Determine how a particular worldview will be part of the home school experience. This may seem insignificant, but it is very important. Since some home school programs are specifically Christian, parents will want to consider how, or if, religious views are included.
Discover core values and beliefs. This is an important component in choosing a home school program. Several questions need to be answered. Who will teach the child? Who will decide what the child will study? How will a child’s learning be evaluated? How does the child learn best? What kind of involvement does the parent want? What kind of structure does the child need? These are considerations before selecting a home school program.
Develop realistic long and short-term goals. This does not have to be a complicated process. Making these goals will give the parent and child feelings of success along the way as well as motivation to look beyond the present and toward the future.
Parents should become knowledgeable of more than one home school program. Parents will know what fits them and their child best because they have already determined their core values and needs.
Choose the home school program and make adaptations if needed. Remember, someone else has developed these home school programs based on their core values and beliefs. Parents have to make the changes they see fit and they are well on their way to a successful home school program.
Choosing an online home school program does not need to be an arduous decision. Doing a little homework and research, as the parent, can result in a wonderful homeschooling experience. Each family has a unique situation and needs. Ultimately, it is up to each family to decide for themselves what is most beneficial for them.
- Home Schools: This article discusses home schools across the United States, the growing number of home schools and the success of home school students. Including a list of corresponding links.
- Choosing to Home School: Q & A with parents who chose to home school their children. Along with an analysis of the data.
- The Home School Study: This describes the home school study of language and literacy development and brief summary of findings including: research questions, selected results from the home school study and its background.
- Homeschooling: Popular Alternative: This article discusses why homeschooling has become a popular alternative.
- Home School Questions: A list of topics to choose from answering questions regarding homeschooling featured by Broward College – Florida Atlantic University.
- Homeschooling Becomes a Popular Choice: This article discusses the rise of home school programs along with home school highlights.
- Colby Magazine on Homeschooling: This article discusses a perspective from a homeschooled student to a non-homeschooled student and their experience in college.
- Online Homeschooling: This article describes virtual schools, eLearning and home school programs.
- Homeschooling and Religion: This article discusses religious home schools, the Christian fundamentalist view of homeschooling and how the law is involved.
- Homeschooling an Effective Method: This article discusses the regulations, benefits, time frame and considerations to homeschooling children.
- Art for the Home Schooled: This is a thesis paper written for Georgia State University regarding art for the homeschooled student and the options and creativity that are endless.
- Homeschooling: Articles discussing the benefits and many issues that are related to homeschooling. Including one from the American Home School Association (AHA).
- In a Class of Their Own: Discusses the rise of home schools and how it is an engaging education and becoming the next frontier.
- Homeschooling: This is an Interview/Q & A from a homeschooling parent using KTWU’s homeschooling program. Covering a variety of topics from the benefits to the particulars of the actual curriculum.
- Beyond the Schoolhouse: Homeschooled students and college administrators explore the truths and myths about alternative education.
- Homeschooling: Ten posts by 10 authors discussing homeschooling.
- Homeschooling: Includes information on the prevalence of homeschooling, public opinion about homeschooling and homeschooling legalities to name a few.
- Gender & Society: Discusses the emotional work of homeschooling motherhood and homeschoolers’ strategies for managing time shortage.
- Short-Term Homeschooling: A professors’ memoir, from Washington and Lee University, of his insight into short-term homeschooling.
- Benefits of Homeschooling: This is an article on a comparison of teachers’ perspectives of special needs children and the results of public schools. Also includes the benefits of homeschooling.
- Contextualizing Homeschooling: Alternative form of education and a study of attitudes of homeschooling parents and public school superintendents toward the benefits of homeschooling.
- Homeschoolers Transition to College: A Liberty Universities student’s thesis on “Education Backgrounds and Their Effects on Students’ Transition to College.”
- Thought on Homeschooling: Discusses various aspects of homeschooling. Including a complete list of topics with varying opinions.
- Homeschooling Your Christian Child: Describes why you should home school your Christian child, skills without school and education without public schools.
- Homeschooling: Discusses descriptions and definitions of home schooling and the evidence of effectiveness . Including a list of references and other links of interests.
- Modern Homeschooling Movement: This article discusses the fast and popular trend of homeschooling in the United States.
- Homeschooling Research Books: A thorough list of books provided by Indiana University regarding homeschooling research and scholarship.
- A School of Our Own: A parents perspective on choosing to home school their children and why they made this decision.
- Home Schooling and Public Education: This article discusses how home schools are not a threat to public school but how it will change them.
- Homeschooling: This article discusses homeschooling and the redefinition of citizenship.