
Course(s)/Subject(s): Mathematics 8 and Algebra 1

Grade Level(s): 8

Key Words: newspaper, publishing

Developer(s) Name: Bonnie L. Lane

School: Carl Sandburg Middle School

Attached Files: Gradesheet

Approximate Time Frame: 5 days

Materials/Equipment Needed: One computer for each group, ClarisWorks, Internet, legal size paper, printer

Description of Lesson (includes context): Students in groups of two will create a newspaper using topics from an assigned chapter. Students will use ClarisWorks word processing, insert graphics, and create graphs using spreadsheets.


1. What is the objective of this lesson? The goal of this lesson is to promote creativity, increase comprehension of ClarisWorks, and increase understanding of mathematical concepts.

VA FCPS POS Standards: 1; 3; 6

VA FCPS POS Benchmarks: 1.3; 3.2; 6.1

VA FCPS POS Indicators: 1.3.1; 3.2.2; 6.1.2

VA SOL(s) (including Computer/Technology):C/T8.1; C/T8.3



2. What will we examine as evidence of students� knowledge and/or skill?





3. What exactly will the students and teacher do during the lesson?

Directions to students for proceeding with the lesson:

  1. Set page size to legal.
  2. Minimum 2 pages, maximum 3 pages.
  3. Set all margins to 1-inch.
  4. Minimum 5 news articles.
  5. Minimum 3 graphics.
  6. Minimum 1 graph created using spreadsheet.
  7. Create a �catchy� title for newspaper.
  8. Determine layout for newspaper (where are articles, graphics and graph to be put)
  9. Create articles using topics from the chapter. Have draft ready before going to the computer.
  10. Spell check and edit articles.

Directions to teacher/administrator using the lesson?

  1. Put students into groups of two and assign previously studied chapter from text.
  2. Model how to create chart using spreadsheet.
  3. Model layout requirements for newspaper.
  4. Print final newspapers.


4. What options in presentation(s) and/or response(s) are suggested in order to provide the opportunity for all students to demonstrate achievement of the benchmark(s) and indicator(s)?

ESL and LD students will be paired with academically successful students.


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