Grade Level(s): 8th Grade
Key Words: Science, Research, Physical Science, Minority Scientists, Women Scientists, Technology, Internet, ClarisWorks, Multimedia, Word Processing, Computer Technology, Multidisciplinary Project.
Developer(s) Name: Gwendolyn B. Minor
School: Joyce Kilmer Middle School
Approximate Time Frame: 5-7 Class Periods of 47 minutes in length or less (Note: length of time is flexible and will depend on how the major concept of this project is used).
Materials/Equipment Needed: Essential - Computer(s) & Internet Access. Optional - Video and Laser disc Player, Barcode Reader, VCR, CD-ROMs, Digital Camera, Scanner, HyperStudio or other Hypertext Program are all optional.
Description of Lesson (includes context):
One of the basic premises of Science for All
This lesson is a collaborative multidisciplinary technology project designed to provide eighth grade physical students with opportunities to :
Students are required to work in collaborative groups of four to
research information on three minority or female physical scientists
and design a 3-5 minute multimedia presentation which involves the
use of at least one of a variety of technologies. The project has the
flexibility to be used as a short term or long
science students, it may be used at other grade levels.
- What is the objective of this lesson?
What will we examine as evidence of students' knowledge and/or skill?
Student performance and mastery of knowledge and skills are to be
assessed using a variety of authentic assessment strategies;
techniques; and tools, which include the use of rubrics and other
performance-based assessments, as students perform various tasks
associated with the preparation and presentation of materials.
What exactly will the students and teacher do during the lesson?
- At least three different resources, which include at least one
technological resource,
must be used to conduct the research study. - Technological resources suggested for use in the research
study include computer
software; CD-ROM Software; Video and Laser Disc Programs; Telecommunications. - Hypermedia and hypertext application software may also be used in addition to Data
- All projects must consist of a brief profile of a total of
three minority or female physical
scientists and must include at least one female scientist. - Profiles must include the ethnic background and other
important and interesting
biographical information as outlined on the profile worksheet. - Profiles must also contain a brief description of the branch
of physical science the
scientist is associated with; description of the type of work the scientist is engaged in;
and any major contributions made. - Written presentations must be developed using a word
processing and/or hypermedia or
hypertext application software program and must contain at least one graphic. - Oral presentations are limited to 3-5 minutes and must involve
the use of at least one
type of technology. - All members of the group must participate in the oral presentation.
- Give students a project packet which consists of the purpose,
requirements, method of assessment(s) of the project, list of scientists (optional) and
suggested resources. - Develop a slide show to discuss the highlights of the project
and include graphics and
other features which will serve as models for student presentations. - Assign or have students assume roles within the group such as
Project Manager,
Graphic Artist, etc. - Give students examples of minority and women scientists of
today as well as those who
have made contributions throughout the history of science and technology. - Use various phases of the project to introduce or instruct
students in the use of various
technologies. - Collaborate with the librarian or media specialist to ensure
the success of the
What options in presentation(s) and/or response(s) are suggested in order to provide the opportunity for all students to demonstrate achievement of the benchmark(s) and indicator(s)?
* Use as an interdisciplinary project which involves collaboration
between the science
* Use a scenario to generate student interest and motivation in the
project. * Use a WebQuest to promote and enhance the use of the
Internet and higher level
- Minorities in Science: Guide to Selected Resources
http://www.lib.lsu.edu/sci/chem/guides/srs119.html - Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics
http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~cwp/exp.html - Women in Science and Technology
http://libraries.mit.edu/humanities/WomensStudies/Tech2.html - 4000 Years of Women in Science