Three Classes of Levers

Three Classes of Levers

Course(s)/Subject(s): Science

Grade Level(s): 8

Key Words: Simple Machines, Technology

Developer(s) Name: Wendy Lawson

School: Kilmer Middle School

Attached Files: LeversProjec

Approximate Time Frame: Five days

Materials/Equipment Needed: Newsprint, colored pencils, Glencoe Physical Science, Microsoft Office PowerPoint

Description of Lesson (includes context): Students will create a slide show presentationdepicting the three classes of levers. They will gather and/or draw pictures of all types of levers to clip/scan into their presentation. Students will identify the fulcrum, effort arm and resistance arm in each example. They will write a narrative that explains the real life applications of the levers included in the presentation.


  1. What is the objective of this lesson?

FCPS POS Standards: Science 1, 3 & 5

FCPS POS Benchmarks: 8.1.10, 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, 8.5.2, 8.5.3,

FCPS POS Indicators: 8.1.10-2, 8.3.1-1, 8.3.1-4, 8.3.2-1, 8.3.2-1, 8.3.2-2, 8.3.2- 3,
8.3.2-4,, 8.3.3-4,, 8.5.3-1

VA SOL(s) (including Computer/Technology): PS.10, PS.1, CT8.1,CT8.3, CT8.4



  1. What will we examine as evidence of students' knowledge and/or skill?

A PowerPoint presentation of no more than ten frames. Frames will contain images of
levers that have the fulcrum, effort arm and resistance arm labeled.A written script of
dialogue to accompany the presentation. The script will describe, frame by frame, the parts
of the lever, to what class the lever belongs, a brief history of the evolution of the lever and
possible future versions of the lever and/or its application.

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Standard rubric for grading a slide show from the Science POS.



  1. What exactly will the students and teacher do during the lesson?

Directions to students for proceeding with the lesson:

  1. Day one:Gather/draw examples of the three classes of levers.
    Use newsprint and colored pencils to plan each frame of the presentation
    in storyboard fashion.
  2. Day two:Edit/revise storyboard and draft the script.
  3. Day three:Take storyboard to computer and begin building frames.
  4. Day four:Finish building frames and write final draft of script.
  5. Day five:Present slide shows.

Directions to teacher/administrator using the lesson?

  1. Day one:Divide students into work groups of three and supply each group with a
    floppy disc for saving work.
    Discuss assignment and sources.
    Allow time for students to begin to develop storyboards.
  2. Day two: Supervise and assist with storyboards and drafts.
  3. Day three: Use a computer with image mirrored on TV to demonstrate accessing and
    using Microsoft PowerPoint.
  4. Day four: Assist students with scanning, clipping and animating images and frames.
    Allow rehearsal time.
  5. Day five: Evaluate presentations using rubric.


  1. What options in presentation(s) and/or response(s) are suggested in order to provide the opportunity for all students to demonstrate achievement of the benchmark(s) and indicator(s)?

* This project may be adapted for ClarisWorks slide show.

In order to accommodate learning styles as well as computer ability level, students should be grouped in such a way that at least one group member has strong computer skills and one has strong writing skills. Because this activity includes "artwork," as well as clipped and scanned images it is accessible to students whose writing skills may be weak. Each student has an opportunity to share their work orally.

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