Spreadsheet Budget Project
Spreadsheet Budget Project
Grade Level(s): 8
Key Words: Civics, budget, spreadsheet, charts
Developer(s) Name: Phyllis Papkin
School: Lake Braddock
Approximate Time Frame: Two forty-five minute class periods
to teach spreadsheet use and to input data. Assignment should be
given at least one week in advance so students can collect
information (if done prior to the budget project). If completed with
data accumulated from the budget project, the data input can be an
ongoing process.
Materials/Equipment Needed,Computer with ClarisWorks or any
other spreadsheet program for each student, food ads, completed
budget project.
Description of Lesson (includes
context):This lesson can be used
as a preliminary activity or a culminating activity to accompany any
budget project used in an 8th grade civics class.
Before the project: Students will maintain a record of all food
eaten for one week. After one week, students will compute the cost of
all food consumed (including snacks) and display the different
categories on a spreadsheet and then convert to a chart. In addition
to food, students can gather data on
entertainmentor clothing costs.
Following the project:Students will
take the information they have gathered for the budget project and
create a spreadsheetand graph to
illustrate the results of the project including all expenses for
individual categories.
- What is the objective of this lesson?
FCPS POS Standards:
will understand and explain the basic principles, structure, and
operation of the United States
economy as compared with other economies and
demonstrate informed economic
decision making.
8.3.3Students will be able to
make effective economic decisions as informed
consumers, productive workers,
responsible saves and investors, and
accountable citizens.
8.3.3.aStudents will be able
to make effective economic decisions as informed
consumers, productive workers,
responsible saves and investors, and
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accountable citizens.
VA SOL(s)(including
Computer/Technology):HSS 7.9,
- What will we examine as
evidence of students' knowledge and/or skill?
Product(s): Students will
produce a budget project complete with income and expenses.
This spreadsheet and accompanying
graphs will help the students visualize the data they
have accumulated.
- What exactly will the
students and teacher do during the lesson?
Directions to students for
proceeding with the lesson:
Before the Budget
1. After one week, students
should input data into a spreadsheet by categories (Categories
can be determined by students.).
2. Students will keep a daily record
of all food, drinks and snacks consumed. This
information should be categorized
daily to make input of data easier.
3. Students will display information
in at least two chart formats.
4. This information is to be included
in the final budget project.
After the Budget Project
1. Students will set up spreadsheet
with each of the expense categories used.
2. Students will display information
in at least two chart formats
Directions to
teacher/administrator using the lesson?
1. Teacher or administrator will instruct students in use of
spreadsheet programs.
- What options in
presentation(s) and/or response(s) are suggested in order to
provide the opportunity for all students to demonstrate
achievement of the benchmark(s) and indicator(s)?
Students with special needs can
keep their record to one day of food, drink and snack
Students with
special needs can limit the number of categories they track in the
budget project.
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